What is Homeopathy?
Homeopathy is a system of medical care for diseases based on the principle of like cure like or similar cures similar. The meaning is that one which can create a problem can also cure that problem. There are several substances in the nature which can be broadly classified as edible or poisonous. The edible when eaten gives us the energy. The other group gives us trouble if consumed. The uneasiness created by a particular item is curable by the same item if properly treated. This in nutshell is the principle of homeopathy. The actual spelling of the word is Homoeopathy which later changed into Homeopathy. Homeopathy system was the original and only system of medicine from the beginning. In the Sanskrit literatures it is found in the expressions of 'Ushnam Ushnena Santhathe' (heat is cured by heat) or samam samena samathe (Similar is cured by similar). In the olden times the elders in the family will be knowing the medicines or measures to be taken whenever any member of the family become ill. But the knowledge was not recorded in any manner. It was passed on generation to generation by word of mouth. This gets corrupted over a period of time and looses its effectiveness. A brief detail about this is given in the page "A good System of Medicine". As explained therein, it was Hahnemann who by scientific experimentation on living human beings, repeatedly substantiated the law of Similar, and founded the principles, procedures and practice, method of preparation of medicines etc.
How the Homeopathic medicine works?
According to Hahnemann disease is primarily a disturbance in the life force or the guiding energy which regulates, governs and co-ordinates all organs and part of the body. In normal health this force maintains normal growth and co-ordinates all functions. When from some disease, this force is disturbed, disharmony of functions occurs. This disharmony of functions is called the disease, illness or sickness etc. The cause of the disturbance may be infections, injuries, exposures, weather changes, emotions, faulty diet habits etc. These disturbances produce symptoms. Symptoms are the signals of deviations of health from the normal conditions. For example, if menses fails, it may be a symptom of pregnancy. It can also happen due to old age, disease or fright. Blood spitting may be a sign of lungs trouble but need not always be of pulmonary trouble. All symptoms or signs are responses voluntary or involuntary or impulses registering in nerve centers. It is not always possible to pin point the exact problem from symptoms. Harvey Farrington, one of the pioneers in homeopathy said that "All that doctor can find out about his patient, by all the means at his command, is often insufficient to make a clear diagnosis." It is a fact that our best diagnosticians are incorrect in more than 50% of the cases. Even laboratory findings cannot always be relied upon. Correct logical reasoning must prevail on the part of the physicians.
Hahnemann was first to systematize symptoms and call attention to their importance in diagnosis and treatment.He proved that each drug produces its own peculiar and characteristic group of symptoms when administered to healthy persons. These are codified, recorded and are the guiding symptoms which help the selection of homeopathic remedy.
Now when person is affected with disease, his life force or guiding energy (normally called as the immunity system or resistance power) tries to repel the cause of disease. Over a period of time, due to our life habits, the system gets weakened and the force is not in a position to repel the cause and the disease persists and advances. As seen earlier the disease produces deviations from normalcy which are expressed by the system in terms of symptoms. When medicine on the basis of the symptoms is selected and administered, a reaction takes place. The medicine produces an artificial disease in the patient similar to the one he is suffering from. So there are 2 similar diseases, one natural and the other artificially induced by the medicine. The strength of the medicine is selected such as to be stronger than the natural disease. As per the nature, no two identical force can co-exist. Hence a fight between these two forces takes place and the stronger one drives away the weaker one. Since the medicine is selected to be stronger than the natural one, this drives out the natural one. The artificial one produced by the medicine gets weekend as the medicine is discontinued. At this time the life force in us take control and drives out the induced disease.
Homeopathy is a system of medical care for diseases based on the principle of like cure like or similar cures similar. The meaning is that one which can create a problem can also cure that problem. There are several substances in the nature which can be broadly classified as edible or poisonous. The edible when eaten gives us the energy. The other group gives us trouble if consumed. The uneasiness created by a particular item is curable by the same item if properly treated. This in nutshell is the principle of homeopathy. The actual spelling of the word is Homoeopathy which later changed into Homeopathy. Homeopathy system was the original and only system of medicine from the beginning. In the Sanskrit literatures it is found in the expressions of 'Ushnam Ushnena Santhathe' (heat is cured by heat) or samam samena samathe (Similar is cured by similar). In the olden times the elders in the family will be knowing the medicines or measures to be taken whenever any member of the family become ill. But the knowledge was not recorded in any manner. It was passed on generation to generation by word of mouth. This gets corrupted over a period of time and looses its effectiveness. A brief detail about this is given in the page "A good System of Medicine". As explained therein, it was Hahnemann who by scientific experimentation on living human beings, repeatedly substantiated the law of Similar, and founded the principles, procedures and practice, method of preparation of medicines etc.
How the Homeopathic medicine works?
According to Hahnemann disease is primarily a disturbance in the life force or the guiding energy which regulates, governs and co-ordinates all organs and part of the body. In normal health this force maintains normal growth and co-ordinates all functions. When from some disease, this force is disturbed, disharmony of functions occurs. This disharmony of functions is called the disease, illness or sickness etc. The cause of the disturbance may be infections, injuries, exposures, weather changes, emotions, faulty diet habits etc. These disturbances produce symptoms. Symptoms are the signals of deviations of health from the normal conditions. For example, if menses fails, it may be a symptom of pregnancy. It can also happen due to old age, disease or fright. Blood spitting may be a sign of lungs trouble but need not always be of pulmonary trouble. All symptoms or signs are responses voluntary or involuntary or impulses registering in nerve centers. It is not always possible to pin point the exact problem from symptoms. Harvey Farrington, one of the pioneers in homeopathy said that "All that doctor can find out about his patient, by all the means at his command, is often insufficient to make a clear diagnosis." It is a fact that our best diagnosticians are incorrect in more than 50% of the cases. Even laboratory findings cannot always be relied upon. Correct logical reasoning must prevail on the part of the physicians.
Hahnemann was first to systematize symptoms and call attention to their importance in diagnosis and treatment.He proved that each drug produces its own peculiar and characteristic group of symptoms when administered to healthy persons. These are codified, recorded and are the guiding symptoms which help the selection of homeopathic remedy.
Now when person is affected with disease, his life force or guiding energy (normally called as the immunity system or resistance power) tries to repel the cause of disease. Over a period of time, due to our life habits, the system gets weakened and the force is not in a position to repel the cause and the disease persists and advances. As seen earlier the disease produces deviations from normalcy which are expressed by the system in terms of symptoms. When medicine on the basis of the symptoms is selected and administered, a reaction takes place. The medicine produces an artificial disease in the patient similar to the one he is suffering from. So there are 2 similar diseases, one natural and the other artificially induced by the medicine. The strength of the medicine is selected such as to be stronger than the natural disease. As per the nature, no two identical force can co-exist. Hence a fight between these two forces takes place and the stronger one drives away the weaker one. Since the medicine is selected to be stronger than the natural one, this drives out the natural one. The artificial one produced by the medicine gets weekend as the medicine is discontinued. At this time the life force in us take control and drives out the induced disease.
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