Sunday, July 9, 2017

US President Ronald Reagan with Indian Prime Minister

US President Ronald Reagan with Indian Prime Minister

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

5 perfect midnight snacks! Health Benefits with Night Snacks

I am reproducing a Health Tip article from T O I for those in my contacts:

5 perfect midnight snacks!  Mumbai Mirror | Apr 28, 2015

Eating after 8 pm gets a thumbs down. 

But in reality, the reason you may have gained (or been unable to lose) weight has more to do with what you're eating and how much you're eating, than the time of day. Eating at night, if done healthily, can sometimes offer health benefits.

For instance, eating the right protein at night can help you build muscle while you sleep, while settling with low-glycemic carbs post dinner can help you control blood sugar the next day and regulate your appetite. Here are five snacks that are fine to eat at night.

For dieters across the board, chocolate is seen as a forbidden food -but not every kind of chocolate is equal. There is a great nutritional difference between the packaged variety and homemade rich-dark chocolate. The dark chocolate lacks high sugar unlike traditional chocolate and instead serves as an antioxidant that has been shown to lower blood pressure, improve insulin sensitivity, fight inflammation and improve your mood. Next time you crave choco at night, have an piece of dark chocolate (70 per cent cacao or greater).

The hallmark of a good night time snack is a food that will help fulfil a nagging craving while at the same time help you unwind and get ready for bed. Roasted pumpkin seeds meet this requirement. One serving contains almost 50 per cent of your recommended intake of magnesium. Magnesium is an essential mineral that is used in over 300 reactions in your body.One key area that magnesium addresses is relaxation.Magnesium is a relaxant and high magnesium snacks are ideal for helping you unwind at night. The slight saltiness of roasted pumpkin seeds curbs your salty snack craving that is usually reserved for potato chips.Next time you want to snack on something while watching your favourite sitcom, reach out for a quarter cup of roasted pumpkin seeds.

Only if you are hungry as a horse, and not satiating a craving, settle for cottage cheese at night. Know that this creamy textured dairy product is not always easy and light on the tummy. But cottage cheese is a great source of protein casein. Casein is the slower-digesting milk protein, which boosts recovery while you sleep when taken later at night. Ideally avoid clubbing it with roti or bread at night, as it will take you more time to digest.

Studies recommend ice cream as a great late-night treat, but with a half cup packing (almost 200 calories), this treat becomes off-limits soon enough. An alternative to traditional ice cream is to make it with frozen bananas. Mashed frozen bananas provide an ice cream-like consistency without the added sugars, fat and calories. Add strawberries for flavour and a shot of vitamin C.

The cold sweetness of frozen blueberries is very refreshing at the end of the day. Frozen blueberries are packed with just as many high powered antioxidants as their fresh counterparts, because they are frozen when they are completely ripe.Blueberries (available at Pali Market in Bandra and Crawford Market) are one of the best foods that you can eat for your health. Research shows that the nutrients in blueberries can help improve brain function and heart health. If your diet can afford extra calories, add cream for extra flavour.

Useful Tips on Detoxifying Body for health

I am publishing this article I came across in the Times of India of 26-4-2015 for the benefits of those in my circle: 

9 natural detoxifying foods  - Mumbai Mirror | Apr 26, 2015,

"The need to detoxify your body regularly is critical in the time of fast food and faster burnout. Detox mantras may differ — pop star Rihanna drinks coconut water because it "balances out all the other toxic stuff I put into my body," while Hollywood actor Alicia Silverstone prefers to down carrot-apple-lemon-ginger juice cocktails. To help you make a good start, we get you a list of cleansing foods and herbs that will leave you feeling lighter and fresher within a week of including them in your diet.

While recent studies have hailed its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects on the body, Ayurveda has valued this spice for centuries for its staggering medicinal properties. What makes it relevant for those wishing to detox is its power to help the liver get rid of harmful compounds. Since the primary purpose of a detoxification exercise is to support the organs of elimination like liver, turmeric comes to the rescue and its antioxidants play a critical role in combating the cell damage that can stack up with age. So, a tablespoon of turmeric a day, is enough to considerably set your insides right.

Packed with fibre, and especially pectin which helps in cleansing the intestinal tract, apples can clear it of accumulated toxins and undigested food particles. This assumes more significance considering how essential it is to include a variety of fibres in the diet to maximise detoxification.

Garlic's high sulphur content not only tones the skin and makes your hair more lustrous, it also fires up the detoxification process. The liver must neutralise toxins with sulphur until it is excreted in a process called sulfation. To smoothen this process, include more sulphurrich foods like garlic in your diet. Three cloves per meal should do you good.

Never miss a chance to add some fresh lemon juice to the water you drink or the food you eat. Lemon gets a lot of credit for warding off the cold, but its ability to aid healthy digestion and elimination is often overlooked. It may be the lemon's tart taste that encourages bile flow which helps digestion. Even its peels are rich in antioxidants that support detoxification.

Fibre-powered flaxseeds can help keep many diseases at bay and its mix of nutrients helps internal cleansing. Since flaxseeds contain both soluble and insoluble fibre, they facilitate smooth bowel movement and prevent the re-absorption of cholesterol from the colon. Sprinkle a few tablespoons into your morning smoothie or salad.

While the seed of coriander or cilantro plant can help digestion and maintain normal cholesterol levels, the leaves are said to detoxify heavy metals like lead and mercury that can accumulate in the body over time. So go ahead and throw a handful of coriander into salads, or as garnish on cooked vegetables, dals and curries.

To add to its reputation of being among the healthiest foods, these crucifers play their part in internal cleansing too. Upon digestion, broccoli releases a nutrient known to possess properties that help detoxify the 'bad' oestrogens in the body. One small cup of broccoli a day can fight them off, keeping you safe from weight gain, PMS and even cancer.

The heart and the base of the outer leaves, which are the edible portions of the artichoke, are known to boost liver health. Artichokes promote the flow of bile and fat to and from the liver. Since the role of bile is to emulsify fats and transport toxins and waste from the liver into the small intestine, be wise and toss in a medium artichoke into your next bowl of salad.

Beetroot is loaded with plant pigments that are known to have antioxidant and liver-supporting abilities. You may be relishing the beetroot, but the greens of the beet are often missed for their combined might of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. So put the greens through the mixer, instead of trashing them, for added detox benefits. Include half a cup of beetroot or one cup of greens in your juice, and you've done your system a huge favour."

Monday, September 23, 2013


Why We Need to Urinate More at Nights?

"Many people say they don't want to drink anything before going to bed because they'll have to get up during the night!!

When the Doctor was asked as to why do people need to urinate so much at night time. Answer from my Cardiac Doctor - Gravity holds water in the lower part of your body when you are upright (legs swell). When you lie down and the lower body (legs and etc) seeks level with the kidneys, it is then that the kidneys remove the water because it is easier. This then ties in with the last statement!"
Correct time to drink water... Very Important. From A Cardiac Specialist!
I knew you need your minimum water to help flush the toxins out of your body, but this was news to me.
Correct time to drink water... Very Important. From A Cardiac Specialist!
Drinking water at a certain time maximizes its effectiveness on the body:
2 glasses of water immediately after waking up BEFORE brushing or gargling - helps activate internal organs.
1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal - helps digestion
1 glass of water before taking a bath - helps lower blood pressure
1 glass of water before going to bed - avoids stroke or heart attack

I can also add to this... My Physician told me that water at bed time will also help prevent night time leg cramps. Your leg muscles are seeking hydration when they cramp and wake you up with a Charlie Horse.

A Cardiologist has stated that if each person after receiving this e-mail, sends it to 10 people, probably one life could be saved!
I have already shared this information. What about you?
Do forward this message. It may save lives!
 The above tips are received by me via E-mail.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Commonly Used Medicines for Common Ailments in Homeopthy

Common conditions of ill health and the Homeopathic remedies

Homeopathy system does not have specific medicines disease wise whereas other systems claims that their systems have specific medicines for specific diseases. Homeopathy treats the diseases as of the deviations of health of patient as such and not as disease of each part separately as if these parts are independent from the patient It can be observed that if there is pain in a particular organ, the individual is inconvenienced not the organ alone. Again take a specific case like Headache. In other systems for everybody's and every type of headache, any of the group of medicines for head ache is prescribed. But in homeopathy the medicine is prescribed on the basis of several factors like the cause, the exact spot of the head, the side and other conditions like whether it starts gradually and stops gradually or starts and stops suddenly or goes from one side to other side etc which are different for each individual. There are several such differences between the head ache of one patient from the other. The list will be exhaustive and is not possible to list all of them. Hence the medicine also will be different and even the potency (strength) may differ. The same hold good for every other problem. Therefore, the correct procedure is to go to a competent Homeopath.

However, there are some medicines which will work for majority of patients suffering from certain conditions. A list of the condition with the possible remedies are given below. There are certain norms to be observed for giving the medicines. These are to be strictly followed, because what is involved is the precious lives.

The Conditions and the Homeo medicines

Travel effects

Air Sickness - some persons who do not travel often, may feel some uneasiness by the down ward motion and sudden dips of the plane. Such persons may take 1 dose (1 piliule) of Borax 30 in 3-4 spoons of water dissolved, about 4 hours before the flight time. This should prevent the discomforts. Petroleum is another medicine which can help in the situation.

For general bad effects of travel take the medicine Coca as suggested above.

Arnica 30 can be used with great effect in travel fatigue. 


For removing bad effects of drinks, like gastric trouble, restlessness or giddiness take Nux vomica 30. Take 1 dose in the evening. Wait till next day evening. If there is any reaction of the medicine wait for observation. If the reaction is progressive and favourable though there was a slight aggravation of the problem/s. If there is no reaction at all take one more dose the next day evening. Even then if there is no relief consult a competent homeopath. 

Wounds and Injuries 

Homeopathic Antiseptic treatment - Mix Calendula mother tincture one part with 7 parts of warm water. Apply the mixture for wounds, cuts or other external injuries after washing the same with clean water. The pain will reduce and healing will be very fast. After that take on dose of Arnica 30. There is no need to go for any anti tetanus injunction or pain killers. 

Back-ache from over-exertion: Arnica 30 - 1 piliule doses each in water with a gap of 2 hours. Take only a maximum of 2 doses. 

Back-ache on rising from seat but getting relief after moving: Rhus Tox 30 1 dose in water and wait for few hours and repeat. Relief should be felt and will last for some time. 

For bathing dread or hate to be bathed or washed give 1 dose of Sulphur 30 in the morning in water as explained earlier.

For biliousness after fat or rich food take Pulsatilla 30 piliule - 2 doses in water with a gap of 2 hours. 

Insect Bites-Stings etc

For bites (also teeth bites from chewing) or bad effects from bites and Stings - take Acetic Acid 30 piliule as suggested in other cases.

For Bee sting another medicine is Urtica Urens 30.

For bites of dogs (non rabies), cats, rats etc and also for puncture wounds take Ledum 30 in water. This will prevent the inflamatory complication and prevent the shooting pains, especially when nerves are involved.


Nux vomica is a universal homeopathic cleanser. Use 30 potency once after a one-time exposure to toxic substances, such as medication or obnoxious fumes, or overindulgence in stimulants. If a person is more consistently exposed to toxic substances, sometimes Nux, along with a homeopathic dilution of the substance itself can be used on a regular basis to counteract long-term ill-effects.

Some medical tips

For fearfulness before going to dentist, or any other doctor take Aconite 30. It calms  you.

Take a dose of Arnica 30 about 3 hours before and after any  any medical procedure to minimize shock and  also to help heal faster and painless.

Where an operation is involved or an injury happens in a nerve rich area of the body take Hypericum 30. It relieves the pain and heal the nerve tissues.

Where incisions or cutting operations etc are involved give Staphysagria 30. It gives relief from all uneasiness  after an operation. 

Give Phosphorus 30 for the side effects of anaesthetics as nausea, confusion and other discomforts. It can be repeated 2 - 3 times.

Ledum can take care of adverse effects of injections. Effects of puncture wound.

Embedded Objects, Boils

If there are foreign or external particles like splinters under the skin give Silicea 30 which will eject the object from under the skin. If this fail, give Hepar sulph 30 which will do the job.

Belladonna 30 given before pus forms in boils of very red, hot, painful and shiny will take care of the boils.

If a boil is sensitive and feels as if a stick is under the skin, Hepar sulph 30 will be very useful. Silicea may also help.

Sulphur 30 in the mornings is useful in  crop of angry-looking boils found on the buttocks.

Bites, Stings

For Bee stings and for allergic reactions, hives give Apis 30 where the affected part/s are red, burning, swelling and sticking pains.

For mosquito, black fly, and sand flea bites take Ledum 30. 

Take Arnica for wasp stings.

For bronchitis in Autumn give Calc Carbonica 30 and Sulphur 30 in hot weather.

For Burns & Scalds give Cantharis 30. Cantharis Tincture (8 drops of tincture for 1/2 toumbler of water) for externally applying. 

What is Acidity, how to control and how it is caused

This article is to explain what is acidity, simple ways to deal with the menace of the acidity and the discomforts it causes. The article further explains how it is caused, what are the discomforts and the destructive effects of acidity. 

What is acidity

Acidity is a discomfort in the beginning and a menace later on creating serious discomforts in life requiring medications. The medicines in turn create their own side effects and complicate the acidity problem. To control the problem there are some simple habits. Before coming to the simple ways to check acidity let us see why acidity is caused. It is to be remembered that all stomach pains need not be acidity. The pains cane be due to several reasons. So proper diagnosis is important. But there are some discomforts which will help us to identify to a great extent about the possibility of acidity. 

Simple ways to control acidity in initial stages

Daily have one or 2 tender coconuts, preferably the ones with just a very thin (when removed from kernel appear like jelly) layer of the coconut solid. 

Use a bit of fresh green coriander (dhania) and ginger pieces. 

Boil water with a bit of  Asafoetida and have the same once a day.  

Put few pudina (spearmint) leaves in boiled water and drink it daily once. 

Avoid as far as possible heavy food. 

Follow some regular light exercises every day so that the extra calories created.

Smoking and alcohol should be avoided.

Avoid tensions and practice meditation daily 2 or 3 times daily to keep the mind peaceful.

Avoid sour food as they will have acid con tent, food that is difficult to digest, pulses to be avoided or reduced as they create heat in stomach and over cooked food. 

General discomforts in acidity

In the beginning of the acidity problem persons affected will be generally restless. 

Heart burn may be felt in cases of acidity. 

In many cases there will be the feeling of nausea or actual vomiting.

Sour belching can be noticed in acidity cases. Many a times  the belching will be with the taste of the food taken. 

There can be some stiffness in some cases with desire or aversion for some specific types of food which may indicates of acidity. 

Indigestion and severe constipation can be experienced by those affected by acidity. 

Some possible causes of acidity 

Indiscriminate eating of oily food, food with more salt, sweet and spices can cause acidity.

Food or drinks containing lot of acids or food that taste sour helps top increase the secretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach.

Tension, worries and pressure on mind creates more acid in the stomach.

Frequent drinking of coffee, habit of alcohol, smoking and drugs etc will help to produce more hydrochloric acid than necessary for the digestive process. 

Lack of sufficient physical activities, going for sleep immediately after food will also add the production of excessive acid. 

Taking of frequent allopathic medicines like aspirin or pain killers will increase acidity. 

Any illness related to the alimentary canal or the organs connected with the digestive organs may lead to acidity. 

Effects of acidity in the systems 

Acidity can gradually create the Stomach ulcers. If the ulcer/s progress the remedy may be in surgery. It may  even progress from ulcer stage to cancer stage. Simple acidity as such may not be dangerous condition. However people above 50 years have to be very careful. People who lose weight have to be very careful. People who constantly lose appetite have to be cautious. If the acidic conditions continue constantly for long durations. Some uneasy feeling in the stomach like bloating, weight or mass etc if present such people have to be careful. 

What is Acidity?

Acidity or acid dyspepsia is a disease caused by the wrong food habits or dietary errors. This is more predominant in the urban areas than in the rural areas. Our food habits are guided by our taste buds and our liking of r the taste does not allow our intellect to decide what is good for us. Thus our emotion controls our activities instead of the intellect. We go for rich food dictated by our taste bud and are indiscreet. For digestion of what we eat we require some physical activities which we do not have in the city life especially. Even for going to a place of about half a kilometer we use our 2 or 4 wheeler right from the childhood. There is no chance for any other bodily activity  in urban areas. The digestion is impaired due to lack of physical activities and the rich oily and tasty food cause to produce more acid in the stomach. For every human being the digestive system requires a small quantity of hydrochloric acid among other digestive juices to break down the food we partake into various energies like proteins, carbohydrates. amino acids, glucose, various vitamins and minerals etc. this process is called the digestion and the absorption of these energies into the system is know as the assimilation of the food which in turn gives energy and produces the cells for replacement of the worn out and dead ones. But when the hydrochloric acid so produced becomes excess and lies in the stomach and starts its counter productive and destructive works in the system.

Other information on acidity

It is not a contagious or infectious disease condition. If the simple ways to be followed are becoming less effective a competent Ayurvedic, Allopathic or Homeopathic (most preferable) practitioner and take treatments to avoid complications.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

F A Q - Frequently asked questions in Homeopathy

Can Homeopathy treat all health problems?

Yes. Homeopathy is a complete Medicinal System in itself. Only in very rare cases and circumstances help of surgery is required under Homeopathy treatment.

Is it True that Homeopathy is a slow system of cure?

No. In fact it is the fastest and lasting to heal/give relief to the patient. It is a natural law that every reaction is due to an action. So also the disease is caused by some exciting cause. If the cause is known it is very easy to find the correct remedy and cure the disease permanently. However it may not be easy to get the cause. In such cases also there are clues to get the cause. These are the symptoms present in the patient. The symptoms are nothing but the deviation or change from the normal sensations of the affected organ/s. If these changes are found through observation by physician, patient, relatives or from the sensations felt by the patient, these will give clue to find the correct remedy.

Only requirement is that the patient/relations have to give full details of the incident and the Homeopath has to get all the details. However for complete cure or maximum relief, a course of treatment may required depending on the complications involved. In long drawn cases, both the patient and the Homeopath have to maintain patience.

Is Homeopathy harmless and without side effect?

Homeopathy as such is not harmless or without side effect. In fact a thing which cannot harm cannot help also. It is a natural phenomena in every field. The harm and the side effects depends on the way the treatment is given. There are guidelines and methods to be followed in the treatment so that the effect is positive. if we take the case of Atom, we all know that it can be used either for prosperity by creating energy or destruction by exploding bombs. Electricity is another example where if it is misused/abused it will harm. If it used with the regulations it will ease the life and make the living comfortable. Homeopathy or for that matter any system of medicine is also like that.

What are the Patient's Information to Homeopathy Physician?

The patients or those seeking suggestion on behalf of patients may note the following points while explaining the problems of the patients:

Let the full details of the complaint be narrated - as far as possible by the patient.

Whether it will be possible to trace the possible cause of the present problem.

How did the problem start and since when it started.

Whether the complaint is better or worse during any particular time of the day or night?

Is the complaint better or worse by rest, movements, heat, cold, pressure, massage, biding the affected part or what does the patient do when the problem comes to get relief, before going for medicine?

Which seasons agrees or disagrees with the patient i e summer, winter, wet weather?

How is the appetite, whether any craving or aversion to any particular food item/s?

Approximately how much quantity of water the patient drinks a day? Whether it frequently small quantities or large quantities?

Any preference as to cold or warm drinks/food?

Whether constipated? Any urinary trouble?

Whether sleep is normal? Any dreams?

Past history of health problems - any past illness like malaria, influenza, typhoid, jaundice, diarrhea, dysentery, skin problems, B P, Diabetes, mumps, measles or other eruptions any accident - full details to be given.

Any common disease to parents like skin disease, allergy, arthritis, BP, Diabetes, TB, Pleurisy, cancer?

What is the temperament of the patient? Whether like or dislike company?

Any other information the patient may be aware of

In case of females: Whether menses regular, ( 28 to 30 days), any pain before, during after menses, is the flow normal, how many days the menses last any particular discomfort?

In many cases there will be some peculiar or strange things associated with the illness: examples:- pain in eye- patient may apply cold water or ice to the eye, loose motion as soon as getting up from bed in the morning, escape of stool with passing of flatus/gas, hot fomentation etc spontaneously without any body telling anything. Similarly the problem may recur at regular inter wells at the same time every week, every 10 days, 15 days, monthly or yearly. Problems come on one side and goes to other side, lying on painful side gives relief or lying on other side increases pain or discomfort, problems increase by eating or before eating etc. These are so innumerable to describe. The patient and those with them should observe any such thing and report the same to the attending/consultant physician as these will be valuable in getting the proper medicine.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

What is Homeopathy and how Homeopathic System Works?

What is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a system of medical care for diseases based on the principle of like cure like or similar cures similar. The meaning is that one which can create a problem can also cure that problem. There are several substances in the nature which can be broadly classified as edible or poisonous. The edible when eaten gives us the energy. The other group gives us trouble if consumed. The uneasiness created by a particular item is curable by the same item if properly treated. This in nutshell is the principle of homeopathy. The actual spelling of the word is Homoeopathy which later changed into Homeopathy.  Homeopathy system was the original and only system of medicine from the beginning. In the Sanskrit literatures it is found in the expressions of 'Ushnam Ushnena Santhathe' (heat is cured by heat) or samam samena samathe (Similar is cured by similar). In the olden times the elders in the family will be knowing the medicines or measures to be taken whenever any member of the family become ill. But the knowledge was not recorded in any manner. It was passed on generation to generation by word of mouth. This gets corrupted over a period of time and looses its effectiveness. A brief detail about this is given in the page "A good System of Medicine". As explained therein, it was Hahnemann who by scientific experimentation on living human beings, repeatedly substantiated the law of Similar, and founded the principles, procedures and practice, method of preparation of medicines etc.

How the Homeopathic medicine works?

According to Hahnemann disease is primarily a disturbance in the life force or the guiding energy which regulates, governs and co-ordinates all organs and part of the body. In normal health this force maintains normal growth and co-ordinates all functions. When from some disease, this force is disturbed, disharmony of functions occurs. This disharmony of functions is called the disease, illness or sickness etc. The cause of the disturbance may be infections, injuries, exposures, weather changes, emotions, faulty diet habits etc. These disturbances produce symptoms. Symptoms are the signals of deviations of health from the normal conditions. For example, if menses fails, it may be a symptom of pregnancy. It can also happen due to old age, disease or fright. Blood spitting may be a sign of lungs trouble but need not always be of pulmonary trouble. All symptoms or signs are responses voluntary or involuntary or impulses registering in nerve centers. It is not always possible to pin point the exact problem from symptoms. Harvey Farrington, one of the pioneers in homeopathy said that "All that doctor can find out about his patient, by all the means at his command, is often insufficient to make a clear diagnosis." It is a fact that our best diagnosticians are incorrect in more than 50% of the cases. Even laboratory findings cannot always be relied upon. Correct logical reasoning must prevail on the part of the physicians.

Hahnemann was first to systematize symptoms and call attention to their importance in diagnosis and treatment.He proved that each drug produces its own peculiar and characteristic group of symptoms when administered to healthy persons. These are codified, recorded   and are the guiding symptoms which help the selection of homeopathic remedy.

Now when person is affected with disease, his life force or guiding energy (normally called as the immunity system or resistance power) tries to repel the cause of disease. Over a period of time, due to our life habits, the system gets weakened and the force is not in a position to repel the cause and the disease persists and advances. As seen earlier the disease produces deviations from normalcy which are expressed by the system in terms of symptoms. When medicine on the basis of the symptoms is selected and administered, a reaction takes place. The medicine produces an artificial disease in the patient similar to the one he is suffering from. So there are 2 similar diseases, one natural and the other artificially induced by the medicine. The strength of the medicine is selected such as to be stronger than the natural disease. As per the nature, no two identical force can co-exist. Hence a fight between these two forces takes place and the stronger one drives away the weaker one. Since the medicine is selected to be stronger than the natural one, this drives out the natural one. The artificial one produced by the medicine gets weekend as the medicine is discontinued. At this time the life force in us take control and drives out the induced disease.