Thursday, April 12, 2012

What is Acidity, how to control and how it is caused

This article is to explain what is acidity, simple ways to deal with the menace of the acidity and the discomforts it causes. The article further explains how it is caused, what are the discomforts and the destructive effects of acidity. 

What is acidity

Acidity is a discomfort in the beginning and a menace later on creating serious discomforts in life requiring medications. The medicines in turn create their own side effects and complicate the acidity problem. To control the problem there are some simple habits. Before coming to the simple ways to check acidity let us see why acidity is caused. It is to be remembered that all stomach pains need not be acidity. The pains cane be due to several reasons. So proper diagnosis is important. But there are some discomforts which will help us to identify to a great extent about the possibility of acidity. 

Simple ways to control acidity in initial stages

Daily have one or 2 tender coconuts, preferably the ones with just a very thin (when removed from kernel appear like jelly) layer of the coconut solid. 

Use a bit of fresh green coriander (dhania) and ginger pieces. 

Boil water with a bit of  Asafoetida and have the same once a day.  

Put few pudina (spearmint) leaves in boiled water and drink it daily once. 

Avoid as far as possible heavy food. 

Follow some regular light exercises every day so that the extra calories created.

Smoking and alcohol should be avoided.

Avoid tensions and practice meditation daily 2 or 3 times daily to keep the mind peaceful.

Avoid sour food as they will have acid con tent, food that is difficult to digest, pulses to be avoided or reduced as they create heat in stomach and over cooked food. 

General discomforts in acidity

In the beginning of the acidity problem persons affected will be generally restless. 

Heart burn may be felt in cases of acidity. 

In many cases there will be the feeling of nausea or actual vomiting.

Sour belching can be noticed in acidity cases. Many a times  the belching will be with the taste of the food taken. 

There can be some stiffness in some cases with desire or aversion for some specific types of food which may indicates of acidity. 

Indigestion and severe constipation can be experienced by those affected by acidity. 

Some possible causes of acidity 

Indiscriminate eating of oily food, food with more salt, sweet and spices can cause acidity.

Food or drinks containing lot of acids or food that taste sour helps top increase the secretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach.

Tension, worries and pressure on mind creates more acid in the stomach.

Frequent drinking of coffee, habit of alcohol, smoking and drugs etc will help to produce more hydrochloric acid than necessary for the digestive process. 

Lack of sufficient physical activities, going for sleep immediately after food will also add the production of excessive acid. 

Taking of frequent allopathic medicines like aspirin or pain killers will increase acidity. 

Any illness related to the alimentary canal or the organs connected with the digestive organs may lead to acidity. 

Effects of acidity in the systems 

Acidity can gradually create the Stomach ulcers. If the ulcer/s progress the remedy may be in surgery. It may  even progress from ulcer stage to cancer stage. Simple acidity as such may not be dangerous condition. However people above 50 years have to be very careful. People who lose weight have to be very careful. People who constantly lose appetite have to be cautious. If the acidic conditions continue constantly for long durations. Some uneasy feeling in the stomach like bloating, weight or mass etc if present such people have to be careful. 

What is Acidity?

Acidity or acid dyspepsia is a disease caused by the wrong food habits or dietary errors. This is more predominant in the urban areas than in the rural areas. Our food habits are guided by our taste buds and our liking of r the taste does not allow our intellect to decide what is good for us. Thus our emotion controls our activities instead of the intellect. We go for rich food dictated by our taste bud and are indiscreet. For digestion of what we eat we require some physical activities which we do not have in the city life especially. Even for going to a place of about half a kilometer we use our 2 or 4 wheeler right from the childhood. There is no chance for any other bodily activity  in urban areas. The digestion is impaired due to lack of physical activities and the rich oily and tasty food cause to produce more acid in the stomach. For every human being the digestive system requires a small quantity of hydrochloric acid among other digestive juices to break down the food we partake into various energies like proteins, carbohydrates. amino acids, glucose, various vitamins and minerals etc. this process is called the digestion and the absorption of these energies into the system is know as the assimilation of the food which in turn gives energy and produces the cells for replacement of the worn out and dead ones. But when the hydrochloric acid so produced becomes excess and lies in the stomach and starts its counter productive and destructive works in the system.

Other information on acidity

It is not a contagious or infectious disease condition. If the simple ways to be followed are becoming less effective a competent Ayurvedic, Allopathic or Homeopathic (most preferable) practitioner and take treatments to avoid complications.


  1. Thank you Mr. Ramanathan for upgrading my knowledge on acidity. Keep up this good work for helping many. It is a great job. I appreciate.

  2. thanks a lot sir for providing this valuable information..

  3. Thanks Sir for upgrade my knowledge on acidity...

  4. This information is helpfull !!! :)

  5. thanks
    but give me more thing about dont eat such as chickpeas

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